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International Workshop: “Guidelines and good practices on quantitative assessments of research”

May 12, 2014 : “Guidelines and good practices on quantitative assessments of research”

Workshop organised by the Observatoire des Sciences et des Techniques, in collaboration with CWTS, OST-UQAM, SPRU, NIFU, KU Leuven, INGENIO and OcyT.

This workshop was dedicated to discuss what type of guidelines and good practices on quantitative assessments of research should be recommended to funding agencies, public research organisations and higher education institutions. It aimed to set up an agenda for a network of institutions willing to elaborate a “manual” (similar to Unesco/OECD manuals) that help users by offering them standards for accountability and expert advice on good scientometric practices. This workshop was mainly concerned with indicators relative usefulness and robustness for diverse purposes and contexts, for example evaluation of scientific impact at individual or organisational level, strategic positioning of various research institutions, or research concerning societal challenges.

Our hope is to start a process involving many practitioners all over the world, in order to build shared recommendations for the various uses of standard scientometric indicators.

Scientific Committee:
Ismael Rafols, INGENIO & SPRU
Paul Wouters & Sarah de Rijcke, CWTS
Ghislaine Filliatreau, OST
Yves Gingras, OST-UQAM
Gunnar Sivertsen, NIFU
Monica Salazar, OCyT
Wolfgang Glänzel, KU Leuven

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Sophie Roux (14 septembre 2014). International Workshop: “Guidelines and good practices on quantitative assessments of research” Évaluation de la recherche en SHS. Consulté le 18 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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